Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Guess I've Been Tagged!

1. Who do you love? I love Jim, even though sometimes I want to strangle him. I love Whitney, Miranda, Tennyson and Banner. I love Mom and Dad and miss them every day. I love my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews. I love our ward, the members are wonderful. I love all my extended family also.

2.How long have you been married? We will celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary on May 18th.

3. Who said "I love you" first. Jim did.

4. How long did you date? Date! We didn't date. We actually had 1 date.

5. Where did he propose? On the grounds of the Logan Temple after that 1 date. I actually said

no and then called him in Montana 2 weeks later and told him I'd changed my mind. He said

"okay" and then hung up.

6. Who is taller? Jim is by about 6 inches.

7. Who is smarter? I would say it's a toss up. He can fix things and I remember a lot of facts


8. Who does the laundry? I do. I've asked him to not help me in that way.

9. Who pays the bills? I do. I would have to teach him how to do bill pay.

10. Who mows the lawn? Mostly the girls do. Sometimes me and sometimes Jim.

11. Who cooks dinner? I do, or sometimes the girls if I'm teaching piano lessons. Jim can cook

and does quite often at the ranch. He also sometimes makes dinner on sunday.

12. Who drives? We both do. If we're in Salt Lake it is preferable for me to drive. I don't get

road rage. If we are someplace unfamiliar, he drives so I can be the navigator. He doesn't

read maps as well as I do.

Now I am tagging Morgan and Anne Adele. Maybe this will get her to do a new post.