Friday, May 25, 2012

Georgette Heyer Strikes Again

Sadly (or happily depending on whether you talk to me or to Jim), Banner has been bitten by the Georgette Heyer bug.  She came to me last week for a fun book,  I of course recommended a Georgette. Faro's Daughter to be exact.  She devoured it in a day and a half (if attendance at school hadn't been required, it would have taken less time) and has now moved on to Arabella.  Whatever room I go into today, it is there, in the hands of an enthralled teenager.  It reminds me of the good old days of reading Georgette Heyer's books for the first time.  Well, I guess we know what Banner will be doing this summer.


liz and dennis

That makes me happy in so many ways. Thinking of someone enjoying georgette heyer for the first time is a vicarious thrill. Then think of all the laughs you can share with her.

Alan and Shelley

Oh how I wish I were discovering Georgette for the first time. What a wonderful summer she will have. I still remember The holidays of my sophomore year in high school, I read GH for the first time, and after that I was hooked. Have a great time Banner and may I recommend my personal favorites Regency Buck and Sylvester.

Anne Adele

Oh Banner, what fun awaits you. The vicarious thrill is there for me too. I see that your copy of Arabella is well loved. I like a book that opens easily. You can read that delicious writing even faster.

The Schauerhamers

My first experience with Georgette was much later than Banner's but it was just as obsessive. I remember reading quite a few of them so fast that I don't know that I could remember the plots, so I guess I could read them again and it would be like the first time. I love them too but I suggest she read The Grand Sophie, as it is my favorite. :)