Thursday, October 15, 2009

Temple Trip! Not!

On Wednesday, Whitney and I decided to go to the Manti Temple because Whitney had never done a session there.

We saw these beautiful colors in Salina Canyon.

We were sad when we discovered after our 100 mile drive that the temple was closed for some work and had been closed for a week. I wish I had heard that announcement in church.

All was not lost. On our way home we stopped at a cute little quilt shop in Gunnison and found a treasure. I had been looking for this particular fabric for almost three years. I saw a little quilt that they had made up and recognized the fabric immediately. The lady at the shop told me that fabric is not made anymore and is a four year old collection but they had some bolts of it and some kits made up for a large baby quilt. I purchased one of their kits because it had the polka dot in butter and blue. I am so happy that we stopped. Who knew I would find what I was looking for in Gunnison.

This is the first block finished for Banner's quilt. I am working on it slowly but surely.



That's to bad, wait till you hear my story from today. I am sure it will be a big topic while you are all here. I am trying not to be hyper-sensitive about it.

Alan and Shelley

I think Heavenly Father blessed you with an amazing find of quilting fabrics because you had been so obedient to go and do a session in Manti. All's well that ends well. Right? Cute block!