Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Danger is Over!

Remember when a step out of my french doors meant serious harm or a plunge to certain death?  Well, those days are over.  Jim finished our steps which are really another level to the deck.

We can now walk out the door and go down the steps on either end.

We still need to stain the rest of the deck to match the "Trex" which will never need to be stained or treated.  I love using this door, it is so much nicer than going through the dining/sewing room.  Next project is siding around the doors but that will have to wait until next summer.  Castle Valley Outdoor's hunting season starts on Sept. 1st so I won't see much of Jim until it's over in March.



Hey that looks great. That reminds me that I wanted to do new French doors and I have not got around to it yet. I like your planters there. They look really nice. I am grateful that you finally opted for something safer.

Alan and Shelley

That looks really nice. I bet you're going to enjoy those doors. Sometimes it takes a long time to get exactly what you want, but when you get it, the outcome is worth it. I think Jim did a great job, and the flowers look beautiful there.

Alan and Shelley

I know I already left a comment, but today I was finally able to download your flashback from 1986 clip from moonlighting and that was cool. I never watched moonlighting because we didn't get abc in Ashton. So now I'm going to have to see all the episodes because of that one clip. Also because I love the ripping tons and can't get enough smooth jazz in my life. I loved the song by billy Joel. Thanks for posting that, it was fun to watch. The 80s were great!


The deck does look great. I love Trex. My neighbors the Hoffers used it for their deck to. I would love to build a new fence out of it, but know how unbelievably expensive it is. Wish we were coming down for Labor Day so I could see it.