Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Busy Day

I smelled a gnarly smell this morning so I
looked in the trash compactor, behind the
drawer I could see the smashed body of a mouse.
Jim's arm was too big to fit in the back so he used
he used my vacuum to suck out what was two dead
mice. I'm glad he was home sick to take care of it.

Miranda called and wanted us to bring her some

meat so I wnet down to pick up our beef at the

slaughter house. It filled up the whole back of the


After we got the meat in the freezer it started to rain and the power went out.
I had started cinnamon rolls for our ward party tonight. We can't go because Jim is really quite sick but I thought I should take the dessert I signed up for. Because the power was off these rolls raised an extra 40 minutes.
Here is the finished product. We both sampled one and fould them to be delicious.

Now I am making dinner(spaghetti) and Jim is relaxing in front of the T.V.


liz and dennis

those are beautiful rolls; they make my mouth water. it rained and hailed in ferron too while i was at work, i was glad to get home. then, when i got home the house was so cold from the windows being open all day that i had to turn the furnace on to get warm. the furnace on the fourth of june!

Alan and Shelley

Your cinnamon rolls lookedpretty much perfect. I don't know if I would have taken them to the ward dinner. You are a better person than I am. Hey, I hope you don't have a mousey infestation. When are you going to get the girls. I bet you miss them.


Yikes, dead mice. TWO! That and homemade cinnamon rolls all in the same day, what a woman!


Could you post some pics of me when I was little. My comp wants to see them. thanks. Whit
check out my blog I did a little updating. the pic of me with the croc I sent in the mail. So you could have. Try not to show the whole world,just the special people. If you so desire you can put it up in the church(joking). I am still working on finding a good one of me dressed up, maybe next week. Have a good week. Keep making good food. I will be home in a year to eat everything anyone makes.