Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Quilt History!

Whitney's Double Nine Patch.

Whitney chose this quilt out of the book "Quilts, Quilts, Quilts.

I learned how to do a timy sawtooth border. It was very time consuming.

Sorry about the blurry picture. This is a close up of the little nine patch.

My first rag quilt. I think it turned out rather cute.

Miranda's Kaleidescope quilt.

This quilt was given to Miranda for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was a lot easier to put together than Whitney's

Whitney bought a bag of flannel fabric, I just put them together.

These are all cute fall prints.

Christmas Nine Patch with scalloped border.

This was a fun quilt to put together.

I finally finished Whitney's Turning Twenty quilt.

This was made with twenty fat quarters.

Whitney loved the brown and pink. I added a pink polka dot border. This is the finished product.

I can't wait to do more, I'm excited to quilt Miranda's Mistletoe Manor quilt.


The Schauerhamers

I love them all, especially the Christmas quilt and the turning twenty. I really want to quilt on your machine. I still have Leah's quilt that needs to be quilted, maybe I will get a chance to quilt it sometime this year! I would love to have more time to do more things like this. I'm glad that you do and that you have the girls to appreciate the work that you do. They are beautiful!

The Schauerhamers

I loved looking at all of them. Aren't quilts beautiful. I wonder if I could get all my pictures together of my quilts. I am not sure if I remember them all. Can't wait for the quilting machine to arrive. It is going to be so fun. Probably a little frustrating too until we figure the thing out.


You probably were thinking that the above comment was from Andrew. I know he has quite the collection of quilts that he has done, but the comment was really from me and I did not know I was signed in under Morgans login.

Anne Adele

Maybe Andrew really has a secret life as a quilter. He could be a man of mystery. I love the quilts and I'm so glad that I get to see them all. Like Morgan my eye was caught by the Christmas quilt, but they are all beautiful.I'm excited for the quilting machine to arrive. It will be so much fun.